
Kisah Alya di Jepang: Sekarang Kamu Mandiri!

Alya Tarisha Ramadhina Imam Putri, mahasiswa Program Studi Akuntansi berhasil mengikuti program Student Exchange dari Aichi University of Education di Jepang (AUE). Dia berbagi kisah tentang aktivitasnya, berbagai pengalamannya, dan teman-temannya selama programnya.

"Kabar menakutkannya adalah kamu sendirian, tapi kabar baiknya adalah sekarang kamu mandiri".

Saya menemukan sebuah video saat saya sedang melihat-lihat TikTok yang mengatakan bahwa "sendirian" akan membuatmu tidak nyaman, dan saya bisa memahaminya. Waktu itu, saya sangat senang mendengar kabar saya terpilih sebagai mahasiswa pertukaran, tetapi pada saat yang sama saya dapat merasakan kegugupan dalam diri saya dan seketika itu bahkan saya ragu apakah saya pantas dan mampu. Tak disangka, semua rasa pahit itu sirna begitu saja saat menginjakkan kaki di sini, di Jepang. Dua bulan telah berlalu dengan cepat. Beradaptasi dengan budaya baru, bersosialisasi dengan teman yang beragam, dan belajar di luar bidang studi saya, semuanya berjalan dengan sangat baik.

Percaya atau tidak, bisa beradaptasi dengan budaya baru adalah sesuatu yang saya cari ketika saya memutuskan untuk mendaftar di program ini. Saya senang bisa perlahan-lahan membenamkan diri dalam budaya Jepang sambil memperkenalkan budaya Indonesia di sini. Selain itu, saya juga mendapatkan paparan budaya yang lebih beragam dan unik saat saya bertemu teman-teman dari seluruh dunia di asrama saya di sini. Bagian terbaiknya adalah saya dapat mempelajari budaya mereka secara pribadi dari teman sejati dan mencoba memahami sudut pandang mereka! Saya sangat bersemangat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan saya tentang nilai, norma, bahasa, adat, tradisi, agama, dan makanan mereka!

Selain bersosialisasi dengan teman-teman internasional, universitas saya juga mengadakan kegiatan dengan banyak komunitas Jepang. Sampai sekarang, saya sudah mengikuti acara komunitas berkebun. Di sana saya membantu para anggota komunitas untuk membersihkan kebun dan memanen makanan. Yang menyenangkan, saya sempat diwawancarai dan tampil di TV dengan berpartisipasi dalam program ini. Saya juga mengikuti homestay online (via zoom) dengan sejumlah orang tua dan mereka sangat senang berbicara dengan saya dan juga tertarik dengan budaya Indonesia. Selasa ini, saya juga akan berpartisipasi dalam klub origami dengan siswa sekolah menengah dan guru! Saya sudah tidak sabar lagi untuk mengikutinya.

Selain itu, kegiatan belajar juga menjadi sangat menantang, menarik, dan mengasyikkan karena mata kuliah yang saya pilih masih baru dan di luar bidang studi saya di Indonesia. Di sini saya dapat mengambil bagian dan berpartisipasi lebih banyak selama kelas. Di kelas Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris & Bahasa Inggris Lanjutan, saya dapat lebih banyak bercakap-cakap dengan beberapa siswa Jepang yang juga menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua mereka. Kegiatan ini sangat menantang tetapi menyenangkan karena saya mendapat banyak teman baru melalui kelas-kelas ini. Di kelas Pendidikan Dunia & Komunikasi Lisan, saya mengikuti debat, membangun opini, dan berbicara dengan percaya diri selama kelas. Selanjutnya, di kelas Cross-Cultural Understanding, saya belajar tentang berbagai budaya yang berbeda secara ilmiah dari buku & sastra. Terakhir, di kelas bahasa Jepang, saya belajar bahasa Jepang mulai dari dasar. Sebelum mengikuti kelas, saya sangat khawatir dengan kemampuan bahasa Jepang saya, tetapi untungnya universitas memberi saya kelas dasar dengan dosen yang hebat. Saya bersenang-senang selama kelas ini karena saya belajar bahasa dari penutur asli.

Baru saja, video yang algoritmenya sudah dihitung secara cermat memengaruhi saya melakukan hal-hal yang menakutkan dan saya setuju dengan itu. Peluang datang bersamaan dengan rasa takut.. Jadi, ambil saja kesempatan itu dan mulailah lakukan hal-hal yang ingin Anda lakukan. Percayalah, rasa takut akan sirna saat Anda melakukannya. (fdhl/alya-ed: lia)

A Story of Student Exchange to Japan: You're on Your Own Now

Alya Tarisha Ramadhina Imam Putri, a student in the Accounting Study Program has managed to participate in Aichi University of Education (AUE) Student Exchange program. She shared her story about her activities, her experiences, and her friends during the program.

“The scary news is you’re on your own, but the cool news is you’re on your own now”.

I bumped into a video as I scrolled down my TikTok saying that being on your own will lead you to bittersweet feelings and I can relate to that. I was thrilled to hear the news that I'm chosen as an exchange student. However, at the same time, I can feel nervous all over my body and I'm doubting my worth and capabilities. Unexpectedly, all those bitter feelings just faded away as I stepped my foot here, in Japan. Two months have passed swiftly. Adapting to new cultures, socializing with diverse friends, and studying beyond my field of study all went really well.

Believe it or not, being able to adapt to the new culture was something I'm looking for when I decided to enroll in this program. I'm glad that I can slowly immerse myself in Japanese culture while introducing Indonesia's culture here. On top of that, I also get more diverse and unique cultural exposure as I meet friends from all around the world in my dormitory here. The best part is that I can learn about their culture personally from real friends and try to understand their point of view! I'm really excited to enhance my knowledge about their value, norm, language, custom, traditions, religion, and food!

Besides socializing with international friends, my university also provides activities with many Japanese communities. Up until now, I have already participated in a gardening community event. There I helped members to clean the garden and then harvest the food. Fun fact, I got interviewed and appeared on TV by participating in this program. I also went to an online (zoom) homestay with the elderly. They were really excited to talk to me and interested in Indonesia's culture. This Tuesday, I will also participate in an origami club with middle schoolers and teachers! I'm really looking forward to that one.

Next, studying has also become really challenging, interesting, and exciting since the courses I chose were new and beyond my field of study in Indonesia. Here I get to take part and participate more during the class. In my English Communication & Advanced English class, I get to have more conversations with some Japanese students who also use English as their second language. It's challenging but fun because I made a lot of new friends through these classes. On the other side, in my World Education & Oral Communication class, I get to arguing, building opinions, and speaking confidently during class. Furthermore, in my Cross-Cultural Understanding class, I learn about different cultures scientifically from books & literature. Lastly, in my Japanese language class, I get to learn the Japanese language starting from the basics. Before joining the class, I was dead worried about my Japanese language skill, but luckily my university provides me with a basic class with a great lecturer. I had a good time during this class since I got to learn the language from a native speaker.

Just now, an algorithmically calculated video told me to do things scared, and I agree with that. New opportunities will come in a pack with fear. So, just take those opportunities and start to do things you want to do. Believe me, the fear will melt away as you do it. (fdhl/alya-ed: lia)

Study Abroad May Advance Adaptability

Afifah Puspitaliza and Lisa Utari, two students of FE UNY, are studying for one semester at Kasetsart University, Thailand, in this even semester. Although the classes are still held online, both of them have been in Bangkok since the end of last year. Afifah, or Ifah, and Lisa are participants of the One Semester Scholarship Program for ASEAN Students: In Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of Kasetsart University (OSSPAS). This program gives them the opportunity to take 3 courses for one semester until May 17, 2022.

Both students enjoy their academic life on campus. Ifah was amazed by the lectures there. "It's fun, comfortable, the campus is cool, and student services are fast and easy," she said.

Ifah, majoring in Accounting, wishes to travel the world. Therefore, participating in such program becomes her first step and her motivation, to hone her soft skills and hard skills, to improve knowledge and experience, and to learn to adapt in other countries.

In line with Ifah, Lisa has also longed to study abroad because she believes in the various educational benefits and experiences gained. "Studying and living abroad in my opinion are the right ways to develop myself into a more independent and adaptable person. Apart from that, of course, this valuable experience is very useful to increase my knowledge and broaden my views. Not only about the educational system, but also about the way of life, friendship, and much more," explained Lisa.

Even though they are still in Southeast Asia, Ifah and Lisa feel the different languages, cultures, and lives that challenge them. "People here rarely speak English and the alphabetic system is also different," said Ifah. Lisa added, looking for halal food there also requires more effort. "(So far) I cook, before fasting I also cook, to save money," explained Lisa. They carry out their prayers and activities during Ramadan in Bangkok without difficulties. "It's just that we live in Bangkok, which is not a Muslim area, so we don't quite feel the vibes," explained Lisa.

Ifah invites FE UNY students not to stop trying if they want to study abroad. "Don't give up, keep improving your English. Boost your achievements, and don't hesitate to try," Ifah concluded. (fdhli)
